Course Handicaps and Playing Handicaps
Your Handicap Index is based on how your posted scores compare to the Course Rating of the tees you play, adjusted for the Slope Rating of the tees you play.

Your Course Handicap is calculated using your Handicap Index and the Slope Rating of the tees you will play. Then the Course Rating and Par for the tees you will play are used to produce a Course Handicap that will mean that when you play to your handicap, your net score will equal par.
Your Playing Handicap is the stroke allowance that you get based on the format of the competition. Since all Course Handicaps are calculated to produce a net score relative to Par, no Tee Adjustment is necessary when players compete from different tees.​
The allowance for Individual Stroke Play events for competition among 30 or more players is 95% of Course Handicap.
For fewer than 30 players, the allowance is 100% of Course Handicap.
For our Pink Ball and Net Best Ball events, each player will get 85%. For our Shamble, each player will get 70%.